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Couples, Families, Individuals
Have you always wanted to cruise but were concerned about the overabundance of food?
We are skilled in guiding you to a healthy, self-caring totally enjoyable and wonderfully
pampered vacation experience without over-indulgence. Find more helpful information on
eating healthy on our FAQs page.*
*Cruise Lines International Association research has shown that a perceived overabundance of food and weight gain is
the number one reason people are reluctant to try a cruise experience.
You Deserve to Cruise!
Our mission is to match you with the cruise that's right for
your personal interests, calendar, and budget. Your search
for value should not lead you to settle for the cheapest trip.
We will help you find a vacation that respects your budget
yet offers you the fun and relaxation you need. Moreover,
we can guide you on how to find the most enjoyment while
on your getaway.
"The bitterness of poor quality remains long after the sweetness of lower price is
WEB Site Maintained by Neal Walters
©2023 Cruisewomen
Our mission and service goals go far beyond merely booking you into a cabin
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